Back from MarsCon!

Well, we’re back home and MarsCon was a smashing success for me! I got to meet all kinds of interesting people and met many new readers of my work. I sold over 50 copies of Mariner Valley and Seed of Aldebaran in print, eBook, and audio! I was also able to introduce people to the work of my awesome cover artist Wojtek Kapusta! (A few small presses were represented there and one of them wanted his information so they could reach out to him. Go Kapusta!) My print copies for AlCent Sagas Book One: Formation didn’t arrive in time for us to take them to MarsCon, so I offered a free Kindle download for the weekend instead. Over 100 people took me up on it! One of them read it while at the Con and came back to ask me when the next one would be out. He said he liked it right in front of a potential reader I was talking to! (Hearing that report, the reader bought a book and got the download!)

It was a fantastic weekend. I even got the chance to meet Brian Dobbs, creator of the documentary Blue Planet Red! He was doing interviews of some of the people at MarsCon and getting their opinions about Mars and our future on the Red Planet. I’ll attach the links below so you can view them yourself. He is an amazing person and I look forward to seeing more of his work. Blue Planet – Brian Dobbs

Thanks for checking in!

video “Is there life on Mars?”

Interview with James Crawford –

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