AlCent Sagas Book 3: Investigation is now released on Amazon!

Hello again, Everyone! The third book in the AlCent Sagas series is now out on Kindle! (The print version is still under review with Amazon, but I’m so excited about it I wanted to tell you as soon as the Kindle version came out.) In this novel we follow the investigations of Captain James Van Wert as he arrives in the Alpha Centauri B star system. This is good news for the reader, for now we get to actually see more of the planets of the AlCent B system, including the mining colonies of AlCent B1 as pictured above. We also get to follow more of Captain Ibrahim Khan’s adventures on the jungle planet of AlCent B2 and delve into the mysteries of the lost cities there. Furthermore, through Captain Jennifer Murray we get to see the inner workings of AlCent B’s Central Port Facility, a vast space station that was put in a planetary orbit around Alpha Centauri B some 25 years ago. All of the other characters you have come to know are present as well as we follow them in their adventures. We are rolling along!

The photo features one of the aerostats that ferry passengers and cargo to and from the mining settlements of AlCent B1. (I’ll cover more on their development later.) They are crucial for bringing out the precious varysium from the mines to the refineries of the colonial settlements that are set in the steep canyon walls. From there, the material is sent to space via cargo lift rockets that blast off from pads perched out over the chasms.

Currently my editor is working on Book 4: Desperation, while my narrator is turning Book 3 into an audio version. Both are excellent in their craft! If you’ve ever thought about becoming an Audible member, now would be a good time!

So check out AlCent Sagas Book 3: Investigation on Amazon. And keep checking for the print version to come online. I expect it any day now. You can find it here –

Aerostats glide serenely through the vast canyons and fissures of planet AlCent B2.

Novels by James Crawford –

Mariner Valley –

Seed of Aldebaran –

AlCent Sagas Book One: Formation –

AlCent Sagas Book Two: Revelation –

AlCent Sagas Book Three: Investigation –

A Noble Paradise –

Cover artist –

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