AlCent Sagas Book 4: Desperation Now released on Amazon!

Whoo-hoo! AlCent Sagas Book 4: Desperation is now released on Amazon in both Kindle and print! My editor and narrators are really throwing knots in the furnace to get these done for me. My editor is currently working on Book 5 while my narrator is recording Book 4 for Audible. (Book 3 on Audible should be released any day now!)

In this forth book of the AlCent Sagas series, Captain James Van Wert leads a team into the very heart of the insurgency in a desperate attempt to tip the scales in favor of the fleet, and comes face-to-face with the separatist leaders. Meanwhile, CPF leader Rusla Skjaldmaer makes a rash decision to bolster the strength of the insurgency for the looming confrontation with the fleet. While desperation drives First Officer Gary Finley to make a bold gamble to liberate the Malabar captives. Here is the fourth installment of space fleet adventures set in a future Alpha Centauri colony. Welcome to Book Four of the AlCent Sagas series ā€“ Desperation.

Check it out here!

Novels by James Crawford ā€“

Mariner Valley –

Seed of Aldebaran –

AlCent Sagas Book One: Formation –

AlCent Sagas Book Two: Revelation –

AlCent Sagas Book Three: Investigation –

AlCent Sagas Book Four: Desperation –

A Noble Paradise –

Cover artist ā€“

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