Back from MarsCon!

Well, we’re back home and MarsCon was a smashing success for me! I got to meet all kinds of interesting people and met many new readers of my work. I sold over 50 copies of Mariner Valley and Seed of Aldebaran in print, eBook, and audio! I was also able to introduce people to the […]

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MarsCon this weekend!

Just a reminder that I will meeting fans at the 2024 MarsCon this weekend in Virginia Beach, VA! Come on by and say hello and receive a free Kindle download for my newest novel “AlCent Sagas Book One: Formation!” I can’t wait to see you there!

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Strawberry Moon

Here are some more attempts to photograph the Moon using my Meade 90 ETX and my cellphone using an adapter. Not the best images but still fun to do. Notice that unlike in the Blood Moon photos, Aristarchus is now at the top of the photos as opposed to the bottom. (Aristarchus is the lone […]

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Measuring Gravity in a Lab

Here’s an interesting video where someone is attempting to measure the force of gravity in a lab environment. To me, it lends credence to the varysium material found in my AlCent Sagas novel series, as well as in the novel Seed of Aldebaran. In these stories, varysium is an ultra dense material found only on […]

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