Latest Moon Pix

I went out the other night with the 10″ Dob and took a few more photos using my cellphone held up to the eyepiece. I had just finished my last author edits for Book 5 in the AlCent Sagas series, so I thought I’d share them as a sort of celebration. I used my new […]

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SLIM lands on the Moon!

Congratulations to JAXA and the Japanese people for this historic lunar landing! This makes Japan the 5th nation to successfully land a spacecraft on the Lunar surface, following closely behind India’s recent historic Lunar landing with their Chandrayaan spacecraft. And the new space race is on! Although the SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) spacecraft […]

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Strawberry Moon

Here are some more attempts to photograph the Moon using my Meade 90 ETX and my cellphone using an adapter. Not the best images but still fun to do. Notice that unlike in the Blood Moon photos, Aristarchus is now at the top of the photos as opposed to the bottom. (Aristarchus is the lone […]

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My Return to Astronomy

Last February I found myself getting up nearly every morning before dawn to find the comet ZTF with my 10×50 binoculars. I did eventually find it, and was able to show it to my wife once it had become visible in the evening sky, but afterward found myself wanting a telescope again. I had a […]

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